Developing the Animal Module of the

Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS)

Manfei Li
Ph.D. student with Dr. Cabrera
Apr 13, 2018 Dairy Science Grad student seminar


  • Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview
  • Animal module
  • Preliminary analyses using the module
  • RuFaS potential applications
  • Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview
  • Animal module
  • Preliminary analyses using the module
  • RuFaS potential applications

Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview

  • Background
  • Updating IFSM
  • RuFaS Model structure
  • RuFaS Modeling team
  • RuFaS Framework


  • Dairy farms management is complex and requires much scientific information
  • Computer models deliver information cheaper and faster to producers
  • Whole-farm models evaluate connections between components that hard for physical research to investigate
  • Whole-farm model identify ways to improve overall production efficiency and minimize environmental impacts

Model foundation

  • Updating Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM)
  • To build a new model with
    • Easier programming language
    • More flexibility

RuFaS Model structure

RuFaS Modeling team

RuFaS developing process

  • Identify module structure
  • Generate flowcharts and pseudocode
  • Write Python code
  • Unify input and output format
  • Connect modules
  • Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview
  • Animal module
  • Preliminary analyses using the module
  • RuFaS potential applications

Animal module

  • Overall structure
  • Animal life events flowcharts
  • Stochastic Monte Carlo simulation
  • Pseudocode example
  • Demonstration and next steps

Overall structure

Animal life events flowcharts

Animal life events flowcharts

Stochastic monte carlo simulation

  • Stochastic: events happen with a chance
  • Monte Carlo simulation:The past is irrelevant
  • Aggregated iterations assure the final distributions
    represents actual situation

pseudocode example

code demostration

from __future__ import print_function
from cowa import Cow
import numpy as np
import random
import math
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Holstein(Cow):
	# @Param repro_method: reproduction method 
	# @Param date: current date in the herd simulation
	def __init__(self, repro_method, date):
		# Reproduction method: ED or TAI or ED-TAI
		self.repro_method = repro_method

		# Cow state statistics
		self.cull_stat = []
		self.repro_stat = []
		self.service_stat = []
		self.calving_stat = []
		self.feed_stat = []
		self.manure_stat = []
		self.milk_produced_stat = []

		# Lactating statistics for first and later lactations
		self.milk_produced_total = [0, 0] 
		self.milk_produced_days = [0, 0] 

		# Culling 
		self.future_cull_date = -1
		self.cull_reason = ""

		# Lactation curve parameters
		self.a = [38, 49, 53.1]
		self.b = [36.6, 27.9, 30.1]
		self.c = [-3.6, -4.0, -2.4]
		self.d = [0.00105, 0.00206, 0.00233]

		# Involuntary culling parameters
		self.parity_cull_prob = [0.169, 0.233, 0.301, 0.408]
		self.mastitis_cp = [0, 0.06, 0.12, 0.19, 0.30, 0.43, 0.56, 0.68, 0.78, 0.85, 0.90, 0.94, 0.97, 1]
		self.feet_leg_cp = [0, 0.03, 0.08, 0.16, 0.25, 0.36, 0.48, 0.59, 0.69, 0.78, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1]
		self.injury_cp = [0, 0.08, 0.18, 0.28, 0.38, 0.47, 0.56, 0.64, 0.71, 0.78, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1]
		self.disease_cp = [0, 0.04, 0.12, 0.24, 0.34, 0.42, 0.50, 0.57, 0.64, 0.72, 0.81, 0.89, 0.95, 1]
		self.udder_cp = [0, 0.12, 0.24, 0.33, 0.41, 0.48, 0.55, 0.62, 0.68, 0.76, 0.82, 0.89, 0.95, 1]
		self.unkown_cp = [0, 0.05, 0.11, 0.18, 0.27, 0.37, 0.45, 0.54, 0.62, 0.70, 0.77, 0.84, 0.92, 1]
		self.cull_day_count = [0, 5, 15, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 330, 380, 430, 280, 530]

		# Reproduction methods
		# ED
		if (repro_method == 'ed'):
			self.vwp = 50
			self.conception_rate = 0.2
		elif (repro_method == 'ed_tai'):
			# ED-TAI
			self.vwp = 50
			self.conception_rate = 0.40
			# TAI, not yet implemented
			self.conception_rate = 0.290

		Cow.__init__(self, 40.8, 0.9, 'H', date)

	# @Param date: current date in the herd simulation
	def update(self, date): 
		ai_given = False		# True if ai is given at this date
		calving = False			# True if a newborn at this date
		milk_produced = 0		# Milk production for current date
		cull = False			# True if the cow is culled at this date

		# Check if ready to be culled
		if (date == self.future_cull_date):
			self.culled = True
			cull = True
			return cull, calving, milk_produced, ai_given, 0, 0

		# Cull heifer for fertility concern
		if (not self.is_preg()) and (self.days_born > 649) and (not self.is_milk()):
			self.culled = True
			self.cull_reason = "Heifer no preg for more than 650 days"
			cull = True
			return cull, calving, milk_produced, ai_given, 0, 0

		# Cull for cow fertility concern
		if (self.days_in_milk > 299) and not (self.is_preg()):
			self.culled = True
			self.cull_reason = "Cow no preg when DIM reaches 300"
			cull = True
			return cull, calving, milk_produced, ai_given, 0, 0

		# if (self.is_milk()):
			# culling with regression 
			# dim = self.days_in_milk + 1
			# inv_culled = -3.5 - 0.28 * dim + 0.075 * dim ** 2 - 0.004 * dim ** 3 + 0.00001 * dim ** 4 - 0.000001 * dim ** 5
			# prob = math.exp(inv_culled) / (1 + math.exp(inv_culled))
			# # print(prob)
			# rand = random.random()
			# if (rand < prob):
			# 	self.culled = True
			# 	self.cull_reason = "Culled at certain days in milk with regression"
			# 	cull = True
			#	return cull, calving, milk_produced, ai_given, 0, 0

		# Weight gain with different born seasons
		weight_increase = 0
		season = date % 90 % 4
		mean_weight_inc = 0.84
		if season == 1:
			mean_weight_inc = 0.82
		elif season == 2:
			mean_weight_inc = 0.8
		elif season == 3:
			mean_weight_inc = 0.77

		if self.days_born <= 70:
			# New born calves average daily gain 
			weight_increase = np.random.normal(mean_weight_inc, 0.02)
		elif self.weight < 680 :
			# Mature cows stop steady daily growth
			weight_increase = np.random.normal(0.91, 0.02)

		manure, feed = Cow.update(self, weight_increase)

		# Increment days in milk
		if (self.is_milk()):
			self.days_in_milk = self.days_in_milk + 1

		# Estrus cycle
		if ((self.days_born > 360 and self.num_birth == 0) or ((not self.num_birth == 0) and (not self.first_estrus))) and (self.next_estrus_date == -1):
			self.next_estrus_date = np.trunc(np.random.normal(21, 2.5)) + self.days_born
		elif (self.first_estrus) and (self.next_estrus_date == -1):
			self.next_estrus_date = np.trunc(np.random.normal(19, 11)) + self.days_born
		# Add estrus date to reproduction stat
		if (not self.next_estrus_date == -1) and (not (self.next_estrus_date + self.birthday) in self.repro_stat):
			self.repro_stat.append(self.next_estrus_date + self.birthday)

		# Heat detection
		if (self.days_born == self.next_estrus_date) and (not Cow.is_preg(self)):
			if (self.days_in_milk > self.vwp and self.days_in_milk <= 400) or (self.days_in_milk == -1):
				# Detect heat
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand <= 0.6):
					# Detected
					self.preg_days = -2
					self.expected_due = np.trunc(np.random.normal(278,6))	
					self.next_estrus_date = -1
					if (not self.num_birth == 0):
						self.first_estrus = False	# first_estrus was set to true after first birth
				self.next_estrus_date = -1
				if (not self.num_birth == 0):
					self.first_estrus = False

		# Pregnancy
		if (Cow.is_preg(self)):
			self.preg_days = self.preg_days + 1
			# On the 0th day, give AI
			if (self.preg_days == 0):
				ai_given = True
			# On the 32nd day, preg diagnosis #1
			if (self.preg_days == 32):
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand > self.conception_rate):
					# Conception failed
					self.preg_days = -12
					self.next_estrus_date = -1
					if (not self.num_birth == 0):
						self.first_estrus = False
					if (self.repro_method == 'ed'):
						self.conception_rate = self.conception_rate - 0.026

			# On the 91st day, preg diagnosis #2
			if (self.preg_days == 91):
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand <= 0.096):
				 	# Abortion
				 	self.preg_days = -12
					self.next_estrus_date = -1
					if (not self.num_birth == 0):
						self.first_estrus = False
					if (self.repro_method == 'ed'):
						self.conception_rate = self.conception_rate - 0.026

			# On the 200th day, preg diagnosis #3
			if (self.preg_days == 200):
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand <= 0.017):
				 	# Abortion
				 	self.preg_days = -12
					self.next_estrus_date = -1
					if (not self.num_birth == 0):
						self.first_estrus = False
					if (self.repro_method == 'ed'):
						self.conception_rate = self.conception_rate - 0.026

			# Dry
			if (self.preg_days == 220):
				self.days_in_milk = -1

			# Calving
			if (self.preg_days == self.expected_due):
				calving = True
				self.first_estrus = True 		# Return to estrus cycle
				self.days_in_milk = 0
				self.preg_days = -12
				self.next_estrus_date = -1
				self.num_birth = self.num_birth + 1
				if (self.repro_method == 'ed'):
					self.conception_rate = 0.339
				# Stillbirth
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand <= 0.065):
					calving = False
				# Involutary culling reason and date
				inv_cull_rate = 0
				if self.num_birth > 4:
					inv_cull_rate = self.parity_cull_prob[3]
					inv_cull_rate = self.parity_cull_prob[self.num_birth-1]
				rand = random.random()
				if (rand <= inv_cull_rate):
					# Cull
					r = random.random()
					cull_reason_cp = []
					if (r <= 0.1633):
						cull_reason_cp = self.feet_leg_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Feet Leg"
					elif (r <= 0.4516):
						cull_reason_cp = self.injury_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Injury"
					elif (r <= 0.6955):
						cull_reason_cp = self.mastitis_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Mastitis"
					elif (r <= 0.8346):
						cull_reason_cp = self.disease_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Disease"
					elif (r <= 0.8991):
						cull_reason_cp = self.udder_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Udder"
						cull_reason_cp = self.unkown_cp
						self.cull_reason = "Unknown"

					c_upper = c_lower = x_upper = x_lower = 0
					for i in range(len(cull_reason_cp) - 1):
						if (cull_reason_cp[i] <= r and r < cull_reason_cp[i+1]):
							c_lower = cull_reason_cp[i]
							c_upper = cull_reason_cp[i+1]
							x_lower = self.cull_day_count[i]
							x_upper = self.cull_day_count[i+1]
					ai = (x_upper-x_lower) / (c_upper-c_lower)
					self.future_cull_date = round(x_lower + ai * (r - c_lower) + date)

		# Lactation curve with Milkbot model
		if (Cow.is_milk(self)):
			i = min(self.num_birth-1, 2)
			milk_produced = self.a[i] * (1 - math.exp((self.c[i]-self.days_in_milk) / self.b[i]) / 2) * math.exp((0 - self.d[i]) * self.days_in_milk)
			if (self.num_birth == 1):
				self.milk_produced_total[0] = self.milk_produced_total[0] + milk_produced
				self.milk_produced_days[0] = self.milk_produced_days[0] + 1
				self.milk_produced_total[1] = self.milk_produced_total[1] + milk_produced
				self.milk_produced_days[1] = self.milk_produced_days[1] + 1

		# Record stats
		if cull:
		if calving:

		return cull, calving, milk_produced, ai_given, manure, feed

	def print_stat(self):
		print('Date born: ', end='')
		print(self.birthday, end='')

		print('Estrus dates: ', end='')
		for i in xrange(0, len(self.repro_stat)): print(self.repro_stat[i], end=' ')

		print('Service dates: ', end='')
		for i in xrange(0, len(self.service_stat)): print(self.service_stat[i], end=' ')

		print('Calving dates: ', end='')
		for i in xrange(0, len(self.calving_stat)): print(self.calving_stat[i], end=' ')

		if (len(self.cull_stat) > 0):
			print('Culled on: ' + str(self.cull_stat[0]))
			print('Cull reason: ' + self.cull_reason)

		print('1 parity milk production: ', end='')
		if (self.milk_produced_total[0] == 0):
			print('N/A', end='')
			print(self.milk_produced_total[0]/self.milk_produced_days[0]*356, end='')

		print('milk production per year: ', end='')
		if (self.milk_produced_total[1] == 0):
			print('N/A', end='')
			print(self.milk_produced_total[1]/self.milk_produced_days[1]*356, end='')

		plt.figure('Cow ' + str( + ' milk production')

Next steps

  • Calibrate reproduction part
  • Complete nutrition module
  • Genomic selection
  • Facilities
  • Health
  • Validate with real farm data
  • Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview
  • Animal module
  • Preliminary analyses using the module
  • RuFaS potential applications

Preliminary analyses using the module

  • Lactation curve fitting
  • How reproduction parameters change influences milk production

Lactation curve fitting

Lactation curve fitting

How repro parameters change influences milk production

  • Ruminant Farm Systems Model (RuFaS) overview
  • Animal module
  • Preliminary analyses using the module
  • RuFaS potential applications


  • Test hypotheses, interpret with open documents
  • Simulate whole farm to check herd or economic performance
  • Investigate interaction across different components


  • Customized model for their farm, with their own farm data and decision preference
  • A way to understand their farm and how decisions effect the farm
  • Take advantage of the latest technologies
